Groundsure Cheshire Salt Search price increase

There will be an increase to the price of the Groundsure Cheshire Salt Search from Monday 30th October.

The new prices are detailed in the table below:


Product Price (exc. VAT)  Price (incl. VAT)
Groundsure Cheshire Salt Search £38.30 £45.96
Cheshire Salt Search 0.03-0.06 ha £50.30 £60.36
Cheshire Salt Search 0.06-0.12 ha £65.30 £78.36
Cheshire Salt Search 0.12-0.25 ha £85.30 £102.36
Cheshire Salt Search 0.25-0.5 ha £95.30 £114.36
Cheshire Salt Search 0.5-1 ha £105.30 £126.36
Cheshire Salt Search 1-2 ha £125.30 £150.36
Cheshire Salt Search 2-5 ha £145.30 £174.36
Cheshire Salt Search 5-15 ha £185.30 £222.36
Cheshire Salt Search >15 ha POA POA

Prices apply to both residential and commercial versions of the search.

The ordering process remains unchanged, and the new prices will be live on our ordering page from 30th October.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.