Update from Stratford-Upon-Avon land charges

Stratford-Upon-Avon District Council have provided us with the following update regarding their CON29 and LLC1 searches:

“In adhering to government advice Stratford-on-Avon District Council have had to make a decision on which services they can viably sustain during the current Coronavirus Emergency.

As Land Charge systems do not facilitate homeworking in part or full Stratford-on-Avon District Council have temporarily suspended the acceptance of any NEW search requests (Official and Personal). We aim to try and complete all those currently committed in the system as soon as possible in order of date received (oldest to newest).

At the point we are able to resume accepting new (Official and Personal) search requests we will inform all our customers and update our website accordingly.

We will do all we can to work through our backlog.”

The council had previously announced that they would be implementing new prices for these searches in April. They currently intend to review these once they reopen.

Update on Stoke land charges

City of Stoke-On-Trent land charges have provided us with the following update on their service:

“In response to the recent government advice I would like to inform you of our contingency plans for the Local Land Charges service continuity.

The safety of our customers, the public and our workers is our priority.  From 2pm on Monday 23rd March 2020 the Local Land Charges team will be operating a work from home policy until such time we are advised otherwise.
Continue reading “Update on Stoke land charges”

Update from Mansfield District Council

Mansfield District Council have provided us with the following update regarding their CON29 and LLC1 searches:

“It has been decided to now close Mansfield District Council offices completely.

I have had discussions this morning with my team and senior officers and we have decided to continue search requests via homeworking and email however, as we cannot check any paper information that is still contained inside the building the search responses will also include the following statement:
Continue reading “Update from Mansfield District Council”

Coronavirus statement

We hope you’re all well in these challenging times.

Given the fast-moving COVID-19 situation, we just wanted to let you know that we are working to ensure that there will be minimal disruption to the high levels of service you have come to expect from Severn Trent Searches.
Continue reading “Coronavirus statement”

Local Authority Price Changes – April 2020

A number of local authorities are changing the price of their CON29 and LLC1 searches from 1st April 2020. The table below shows the revised prices for authorities within the Severn Trent region, where known. This table will be updated regularly as more authorities announce their new prices. We will also note in the table those authorities confirming their prices are remaining the same as present. Where a new price has yet to be announced, the current price is shown.
Continue reading “Local Authority Price Changes – April 2020”