Severn Trent Searches donate laptops to local school

Nottingham-based Severn Trent Searches, which provides searches and reports for conveyancing, has donated 15 laptops to a Sheffield school.

James Winter, Head of Severn Trent Searches, explained: “A local primary school in my community was asking if anybody knew a business willing to donate second-hand laptops to help more of their pupils access e-learning opportunities.

“As many of us at Severn Trent Searches are parents and employed by a company with social value at its heart, we thought it was another fantastic opportunity for our organisation to give something back to the community.” Continue reading “Severn Trent Searches donate laptops to local school”

Are you getting the best deal on your searches?

We know times are hard at the moment, and every penny counts, especially in something as expensive as buying a house. Homebuyers are looking to save money wherever possible, and this includes looking for the best available deals on conveyancing.

This puts pressure on conveyancing firms to cut prices, and alongside high search and case management fees, this can severely cut into profits. It’s imperative that firms are able to offer competitive prices while maintaining both profit levels and the high level of service customers deserve. Continue reading “Are you getting the best deal on your searches?”