The CON29DW Explained – water pressure

Our series examining the CON29DW looks at water pressure.

Question 3.4 of the CON29DW asks “Is the property at risk of receiving low water pressure or flow?” While the question is unlikely to be one of those which can have costly ramifications, water pressure is something that can greatly impact an owner’s enjoyment of their home, and it is included for that reason.
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The CON29DW explained – water adoption agreements

Our series on issues raised by the CON29DW looks at a one of the rarer situations raised by the search:

One of the more curious questions in the CON29DW is 3.3, which asks “Is any water main or service pipe serving, or which is proposed to serve the property, the subject of an existing adoption agreement or an application for such an agreement?”
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The CON29DW explained – mains water connection

Our series looking at the information in the CON29DW moves onto those questions dealing with water supply.

So far in this series we’ve looked at the questions in the CON29DW that deal with drainage. But the search also deals with the water supply to properties, and there are six questions dealing with potential issues around this area.
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