Ground Stability – Subsidence risk report

This month’s highlighted product of the month is the Ground Stability report, a subsidence risk report from The Coal Authority.

The report combines data from both the Coal Authority and British Geological Survey to provide detailed information on natural hazards and subsidence risks to a property.

Suitable for residential and commercial properties, the report identifies if a property is at risk of the following:-

  • Underground and surface coal mining
  • Coal mining subsidence
  • Mine entries
  • Mine gas and surface hazards
  • Natural causes of subsidence
  • Historic rights to coal

Contents of the Ground Stability Report

  1. Coal authority summary
    1. Has the search report highlighted evidence or potential of…
    2. Further recommended reports (on coalfield reports only)

    An example of the Coal Authority summary page
  2. BGS summary
    1. Has the search report highlighted evidence or potential of…
  3. Detailed findings from the Coal Authority
    1. Past underground coal mining
    2. Present underground coal mining
    3. Future underground coal mining
    4. Mine entries
    5. Coal mining geology
    6. Past opencast coal mining
    7. Present opencast coal mining
    8. Future opencast coal mining
    9. Coal mining subsidence
    10. Mine gas
    11. Hazards related to coal mining
    12. Withdrawal of support (Non-residential report)
    13. Working facilities order (Non-residential report)
    14. Payments to owners of former copyhold land (Non-residential report)
  4. Comments on the Coal Authority information
  5. Detailed findings from BGS 
    1. Shrinkable clay
    2. Running sand
    3. Deposits which could compress
    4. Deposits which could collapse
    5. Natural landslide activity
    6. Soluble rocks
  6. Comments on the BGS information
    1. Additional remarks
    2. Disclaimer
    3. Alternative formats
    4. Terms and conditions
  7. Enquiry boundary

    Example of the enquiry boundary map
  8. General information
  9. Key facts document (Residential report)
  10. Ground Stability report insurance policy (Residential report)
    1. Schedule
    2. Definitions
    3. Cover
    4. Exclusions
    5. Conditions
    6. Cancellation rights
    7. Non-invalidation clause
    8. General
    9. The duty of fair presentation
    10. Breach of warranty: suspensory
    11. Terms not relevant to the actual loss
    12. Fraudulent claims clause
    13. Fraudulent claims – group insurance
    14. Remedies for breach of the duty of fair presentation
    15. Notice to the insured
    16. Notifying a claim

Product documents