There are occasions when there are reliable records held by Severn Trent Water other than the billing records that indicate to us that a property will be connected for a service despite the fact that the property may not currently be being billed for that service. On these occasions we will answer the Search as connected for services even though charges may not currently be being raised. Alternative records used could be such things as reports from Severn Trent Water inspectors, previous billing history, developer information and completed connection applications and approvals.
Tag: severn trent water
Pumping stations – why the CON29DW has changed
Back in July we added two new questions – 2.4.1 and 2.5.1 – to both the CON29DW and our commercial drainage and water searches. Both of these related to pumping stations – one identifying any within property boundaries, the other whether there’s any within 50 metres of the property.
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